
South East Asia Water Market | Technology & Digitalisation

On 5th August, Singapore Water Association (SWA) co-organised the latest webinar with LVI Associates, โ€œThe Water Market in South East Asiaโ€. More than 100 participants attended the webinar.
During the course of the webinar, our highly engaged audience asked pressing interesting questions about developments affecting the water market.
Ms Kayleigh Regan, Head of Water & Transportation at LVI Associates and Mr Pravi Bansal, Managing Partner at Amane Advisors - South East Asia have shared their insights.

Technology & Digitalisation

Is Indonesia ripe for digitalization in the water sector?

In Indonesia, Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAMs) have been generally slow to adopt digital solutions but we do see pockets of adoption in larger cities and more forward-looking PDAMs. We are quite positive on digitization.

Do you have examples of those who have done the adoption of digitalization by PDAMs in Indonesia?

We are quite positive on digitisation. In Indonesia, PDAMs have been generally slow to adopt digital solutions but we do see pockets of adoption in larger cities and more forward-looking PDAMs. Most digital solutions we have seen adopted by the PDAMs so far are for small AMR projects (i.e. couple hundred meters each), typically installed with large end-users.

ATB in Batam is one such example, although they are more privately run utility. They have in place for many years a SCADA, GIS and IoT enabled system, as well as an internally developed system for customer billing and services.

Below are some examples we know of PDAMs with some levels of smart solutions in place:

  • PDAM Sury Sembada Kota Surabaya: Installed 300 AMR meters for large volume users to combat NRW reduction. Generally, there are efforts to transform Surabaya into a smart city.

  • PDAM Makassar: Smart metering project by ABB (~170 AMR meters for large users) a couple of years back.

What is Indonesiaโ€™s market potential from a technology providerโ€™s point of view?

Broadly, technology is one of the areas where foreign players providing more sophisticated technology have a competitive edge over local providers in Southeast Asia. In Indonesia specifically, especially in larger PADMs, a number of upstream and downstream projects have strong technology needs to drive operational efficiencies.

To access the full webinar recording and download the full Questions & Answers - A Collection of the Best from the SWA Webinar.
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