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Bridging Industries: Transferable Skills for Japan's Renewable Energy Workforce

Posted on May 2024 By LVI Associates

A group of engineers drawing up blueprints
  • Learn about which neighboring industries currently have the candidates with desirable skills for the renewable energy industry
  • Identify which specific transferrable skills to look out for in candidates and their applications in Japan
  • Uncover how these skills can be applied to renewable energy projects

The renewable energy sector in Japan is poised for significant growth, with projections indicating a surge in job creation over the coming decades. According to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), employment in renewable energy is forecasted to reach 100 million jobs globally by 2050. However, with a limited candidate pool in Japan, companies are increasingly turning their attention to individuals with transferable skills from other industries.

In our latest industry webinar, LVI Associates’ talent experts shed light and provided pointers for hiring managers and talent acquisition professionals alike. Below is a summary of the transferable sectors that could help with Japan's renewable energy talent shortages.

Oil and Gas Industry

Professionals in the oil and gas sector bring valuable expertise in project and construction management. Their experience with large-scale infrastructure projects, such as oil refineries and pipelines, translates seamlessly to renewable energy initiatives. From coordinating resources to managing timelines and mitigating risks, individuals from this industry possess the skills necessary to oversee the development of wind farms, biomass projects, and hydrogen production plants.

Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC)

Candidates from an EPC background play a vital role in the design, development, and construction of renewable energy projects. With expertise in electrical, mechanical, and civil engineering disciplines, they contribute to the implementation of solar power plants, wind farms, and other installations. Their experience in managing the procurement process and ensuring compliance with regulations makes them invaluable assets to renewable energy companies.

For example, if your organization is focused on wind resource projects, pay attention to mechanical engineers from the heavy manufacturing industry as they might have substantial experience in rotator machine manufacturing and possess maintenance experience as well.

Building Services

Electrical Engineers that have high to extra-high voltage management experience are applicable when projects require the building of substations, and warehouses, and designing electric generators or circuits. Civil Engineers and Geotechnical Engineers have the relevant knowledge in designing steel, concrete bridges, subsidy structures, well drilling etc. These individuals will be better versed in design and construction and can contribute to teams that are involved with modelling dynamics, foundation design, structural dynamics and integrity or web simulations.

Make sure you look out for candidates with construction management licenses or a professional engineer with a Registered Civil Consulting Manager (RCCM) license, you’ll find these specialists very applicable to your projects in Japan.

Real Estate Management

Professionals in real estate management bring a unique set of skills to the renewable energy sector. Their expertise in identifying suitable locations for projects and negotiating with government bodies for land acquisition is essential for securing sites for solar and wind installations. Additionally, their knowledge of regulatory frameworks and zoning laws ensures compliance and streamlines the development process.

Logistical and Procurement Background

Individuals with a background in logistics and procurement play a crucial role in the supply chain management of renewable energy projects. Their understanding of logistical regulations in Japan and experience in sourcing materials and services contribute to the efficient operation of offshore wind and solar installations. From coordinating transportation to managing inventory, their expertise ensures that projects are executed seamlessly.

A Word on Soft Skills

In addition to technical skills, hiring managers emphasize the importance of soft skills and cultural fit. Candidates who demonstrate motivation, a willingness to learn, and an understanding of the business landscape can be valuable assets to renewable energy companies. While a level of technical skills can be leveraged on the job, a candidate's attitude and adaptability are equally essential for long-term success.

As Japan's renewable energy sector continues to expand, companies must rethink their hiring strategies to attract candidates with transferable skills from diverse backgrounds. By leveraging the expertise of professionals from other industries, renewable energy companies will find that there is a wealth of talent waiting to be tapped into. Accelerating their growth and contributing to Japan's transition towards a sustainable future.

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