
Renewable Energy Salary Snapshot 2021


LVI Associates | Salary Snapshot 2021 - APAC Renewable Energy

APAC Renewable Energy Salary Survey 2021โ€‹

With an impressive amount of input from professionals across the Asia Pacific renewable energy industry, we've been able to shed light on some commonly obscured details in the market.
This report has gathered business-critical salary, career progression and benefits information that has allowed us to create new industry-wide benchmarks.
Some key findings :
  • โ€‹Within the wind industry, the majority of surveyed regions have 'dental' and 'medical' coverage as benefits. However, a low percentage of Australians and Koreans surveyed have a dental cover. Only 15% of Australians surveyed have medical cover.
  • Across all surveyed APAC regions, the majority of Annual Leave days range from 14-20 days. With the exception of Singapore, where close to 50% of those surveyed have Annual Leave ranging from 21-27 days.
  • Within the solar industry, the majority of surveyed regions have 14-20 days of Annual Leave. However, a majority of personnel within Taiwan and Vietnam have annual leave ranging from 7-13 days.

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